Villa Mollepamba, Vilcabamba, Loja Ecuador


My Zalu and ECOP OLTT Africa: Uniting for Africa’s Blue Future

My Zalu is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with ECOP OLTT Africa to develop the Blue Ocean Curriculum, a comprehensive educational program designed to empower African youth as stewards of their magnificent oceans.

The Challenge: Uncharted Waters

Africa’s vibrant oceans are teeming with life, yet many young people lack access to comprehensive ocean education. This knowledge gap hinders their ability to understand and appreciate the critical role our oceans play in the health of our planet and our communities.

Diving Deep with the Blue Ocean Curriculum

The Blue Ocean Curriculum is a transformative response to this challenge. This curriculum, designed specifically for African youth, offers:

Culturally Relevant Content

Engaging lessons that resonate with African experiences and perspectives.

World-Class Standards

Rigorous education that equips students with the knowledge and skills to thrive in a globalized world.

Interactive Learning

Fun and dynamic activities that spark curiosity and deepen understanding.

Building a Wave of Change

The Blue Ocean Curriculum is more than just education; it’s an investment in Africa’s future. By empowering young people to become ocean guardians, we are:

Building a Wave of Change

The Blue Ocean Curriculum is more than just education; it’s an investment in Africa’s future. By empowering young people to become ocean guardians, we are:

Cultivating a Generation of Stewards

 Equipping students with the tools they need to protect our oceans for generations to come.

Ensuring a Sustainable

 Fostering a deep appreciation for the ocean’s vital role in our planet’s health and well-being.

Unlocking Africa’s Ocean Potential

 Empowering young minds to become leaders in ocean science, conservation, and innovation.

Help Chart a Course for Africa’s Blue Future

This is our chance to chart a new course for Africa’s oceans. Join us on this exciting voyage!