Villa Mollepamba, Vilcabamba, Loja Ecuador


Inspiring environmental care and awareness among young people through storytelling


To empower a generation of changemakers, fostering a sustainable and thriving world for all through inspiration, education, and opportunity.


A world where every young person is an empowered environmental champion, safeguarding our planet for generations to come.


Harnessing the power of storytelling to empower future leaders through innovative educational programs, hands-on experiences, and community engagement


Together, let’s make a lasting mark on the environment and in the lives of our children by joining the MY ZALU challenges.


The Thank You Nature Challenge encourages people to cultivate a deeper connection, love and appreciation of nature. It is a way to give back to the planet and make a positive impact on the environment.

#MISSION 100 001

Join us on a transformative journey with our ambitious initiative to plant 100,001 trees, distribute 100,001 books, and empower 100,001 children to become guardians of the environment.


This group brings together a global community of passionate individuals working to protect our planet’s biodiversity, ecosystems, and climate. 


We are a global diverse dedicated team of environmentally conscious individuals who believe in the power of storytelling to educate and inspire positive change. Our Mission is to raise environmental care awareness among children using their language. 

At My Zalu, we believe that safeguarding our planet’s precious ecosystems and protecting endangered animals is a global responsibility, fueled by the power of love for our shared home.

We empower children to become active stewards of the environment and create a sustainable future for all. Through innovative, compassionate, and responsible education, we inspire children to take action and make a positive impact on their communities and the planet. We believe in listening and learning from the communities and from children themselves to shape our approach to environmental stewardship. Join us in this mission to nurture the next generation of environmental champions.



Zalu represents the tangible and the intangible things we all share as humanity. 

It is a collective responsibility to protect and care for our shared home – MY ZALU, YOUR ZALU, OUR ZALU.

Make a difference in the world by joining My Zalu community and empowering the next generation to protect our planet.


Make a difference in the world by joining My Zalu and empowering the next generation to protect our planet.


Partner with My Zalu: Together, let’s inspire the next generation of environmental stewards.


A greener tomorrow, powered by the passion and purpose of our children

At My Zalu, we believe that nurturing a deep appreciation for our planet in children is the cornerstone of a sustainable future. By empowering them to become stewards of the environment, we shape them into responsible decision-makers, not only in their career paths but also in their personal choices and contributions to solving global environmental issues.

Through stories, innovative educational programs, and collaborative initiatives, we are actively engaging children in understanding the consequences of climate change and inspiring them to take action. Together, we are cultivating a generation of environmentally conscious and socially responsible citizens who will shape a brighter future for our planet.

Instilling environmental responsibility in children requires a paradigm shift in education. Environmental and climate change education must be a cornerstone of every educator’s and parent’s approach to learning. However, balancing the vast curriculum with the urgency of environmental issues can be a daunting task.

At My Zalu, we have devised an engaging and interactive method to integrate environmental education into children’s lives, harnessing the power of storytelling, hands-on activities, and unique experiences to ignite not only a passion for learning but also to fuel their innate curiosity about the world around them.

Through our innovative school, learner, and teacher interactive programs that incorporate outside expertise, we cultivate a profound appreciation for the environment and empower children to become responsible stewards of our planet.

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Our Journey So Far

Regions Represented

Countries Represented

Trees Planted

Inspirational Initiatives Making an Impact Worldwide

Bookids – South Korea

Bookids: Fostering a Love for Reading and Outdoor Learning in Young Students with Highschooler Mentors

Reading to Greening – Kenya

From Reading to Greening: My Zalu Books Inspire Kenyan Children to Care for the Environment

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Cop 28 UAE Biodiversity Book – Dubai

Empowering Young Storytellers to Capture the Beauty and Biodiversity of the UAE in preperation for COP 28

Blue Ocean Curriculum for Africa

The Blue Curriculum for Africa is a collaborative effort uniting ocean science, education, and conservation experts. We’re committed to developing a rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum that aligns with international standards. The Blue Curriculum for Africa is a collaborative effort uniting ocean science, education, and conservation experts. We’re committed to developing a rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum that aligns with international standards.

This comprehensive curriculum will equip students at all levels with the knowledge and skills to become ocean champions.

Through interactive lessons and engaging assessments, students will develop a deep understanding of our oceans and take action to protect them for generations to come.


Work With Us

Partnering with Communities

We collaborate with local communities to gain insight into their unique needs, challenges, stories and strengths.

Partner With Us

Story Development
Educational Material

We create interactive children’s stories, educational activies and games  in collaboration with local communities.

Tell Your Story

Translation and Sponsorship

We work with sponsors and volunteers to fund the translation of the stories and activities into local languages.

Become a Volunteer

Distribution and Education

We distribute books and implement educational programs and activities on environmental preservation. 

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Educate and inspire future generations with Zalu and the Magic Pink

With the publication of “Zalu and the Magic Pink,” we’re excited to share a story filled with hope and magic, showing the world the power of positive impact one person can have. Join us on this journey as we spread the message of love, courage, and the importance of taking care of our planet for generations to come.


Join us! It will only take a minute


Our Strategic Partners

By joining hands with our strategic partners, we are taking bold steps towards a greener future, reminding us all that together, we can make a difference. By walking side-by-side, we are stronger and more determined to create a better world for generations to come.


Latest News

When Conservation Meets Adventure: Protecting Sea Turtles with SEE Turtles

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Bridging Worlds: Diving Deep into the Secrets of Sea Turtles in Malaysia

Bridging Worlds: Diving Deep into the Secrets of Sea Turtles in Malaysia Imagine this: you’re diving amidst the turquoise embrace of the South China Sea, amongst a mix of coral[…]

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Raising the Banner of Environmental Consciousness: My Journey on Kgale Hill Gaborone

Introduction As someone who has recently fallen head over heels for nature, hiking, mountain climbing, and rock climbing, it’s both disheartening and baffling to witness the disregard some fellow adult[…]

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Praise for My Zalu

Your beautiful words of encouragement cheer us on, driving us to do more and reach greater heights. We are pleased to share some feedback from our community about the My Zalu project and our books, as a testament to the impact you have helped us create.

Promise C

Highly recommended for everyone who loves nature… This book is suitable for adults too.


Zalu and The Magic Pink is an amazing book. I’m not a child and even I enjoyed reading it. I highly recommend it.

Vee Skye

Read the book a few times already, and it touches me as though I’m reading it for the first time every time.

Duke Y

Wow! What a beautiful book and story. So colorful amazing with beautiful uplifting lessons for not only kids but all ages.